Scientific publications for Olivier Sessink
- H.N.J. Havinga, O.D.T. Sessink (2014). Risk Reduction Overview: A visualization method for risk management. Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8708, 2014, pp 239-249
- Sessink, O. D. T., Beeftink, H. H., Tramper, J., & Hartog, R. J. M. (2007).
Proteus: A lecturer-friendly adaptive tutoring system. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 18(4), 533-554.
- Sessink, O.D.T.; Beeftink, H.H.; Hartog, R.J.M.; Tramper, J. (2006). Virtual parameter-estimation experiments in
Bioprocess-Engineering education. Journal of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.
- Sessink, O.D.T.; Beeftink, H.H.; Hartog, R.J.M. (2005). Database functionality for learning objects.
Journal of Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 2: 337 - 357
- Aegerter-Wilmsen, T.; Janssen, F.; Kettenis, D.; Sessink, O.; Hartog, R.; and Bisseling, T.
Introducing molecular life science students to model building using computer simulations. Journal
of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
- Sessink, O.D.T.; Beeftink, H.H.; Tramper, J.; Hartog, R.J.M. (2004). Securing web-based exams. Journal of
Universal Computer Science 10: 145 - 157.
- Sessink, O.D.T.; Beeftink, H.H.; Tramper, J.; Hartog, R.J.M. (2003).
Author-defined storage in the next generation learning management systems. ICALT 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International
Conference on advanced Learning Technologies, July 9-11, 2003. - Athens, Greece : IEEE, 2003 -
57 - 61.
- Schaaf, H. van der; Sessink, O.; Vermuë, M.; Tramper, J. (2001) Student aan het werk binnen Wageningen
UR virtual consultancy. Ontwikkeling van digitaal leermateriaal. NPT Procestechnologie 2: 13 - 15.
- Hartog, R.; Gooijer, K. de; Sessink, O.; Schaaf, H. van der; Vonder, O. (2000). Comparing Web
based course development with and without a learning environment. Proceedings Webnet 2000 :
World conference on www and the internet : Webnet 2000, San Antonio USA 2000 / Gordon
Davies & Charles Owen. - San Antonio : AACE, 2000 - p. 240 -
Research links
Most of this research has been funded by Wageningen University.
Various other publications