Jailkit howto - creating a regular shell in a chroot jail
We want to create some accounts that can do most basic things with bash, but in a chroot jail.
Assume the account on machine shellserver is for user jane, with group jane, and the jail is /home/jail. We also have the account sharon in the same jail.
Setting up the jk_init config file
The provided jk_init.ini has defaults that are valid for 32bit Debian and 32bit Ubuntu Linux. Other distributions and operating systems may have files at different locations. For example multiarch 32bit/64bit systems may need libraries from /lib64.
Setting up the chroot jail
Older jailkit releases did not create the root of the chroot jail. This had to be done manually:
mkdir /home/jail chown root:root /home/jailThe latest jailkit release automatically creates the root of the jail if it does not yet exist.
We want to give Jane and Sharon some utilities in the chroot jail:
jk_init -v -j /home/jail basicshell editors extendedshell netutils ssh sftp scpJail the user
To jail user jane and sharon, they should have jk_chrootsh as shell in /etc/passwd. Just add them as regular user using the command you always use (e.g. adduser), and then use jk_jailuser to move them to the jail.
jk_jailuser -m -j /home/jail janeThe entries in /etc/passwd should then look like:
Obviously these home directories should exist, and should be owned by jane/sharon
We also want a /tmp/ directory in the jail for all users in the jail.
mkdir /home/jail/tmp chmod a+rwx /home/jail/tmpBash as shell in the jail
Edit the /home/jail/etc/passwd file, the entries for Jane and Sharon should show something like:
The /home/jail/etc/group file is:
If you use procmail for email delivery, users can execute commands outside the jail using a .procmailrc in their homedir. You should use jk_procmailwrapper so users inside a jail cannot use mail delivery, or use aliases so procmail is not executed for these users.
With jk_update any updates on the real system can be updated in the jail. jk_update simply scans files in the jail, compares them with their original counterpart, and if the original counterpart is newer it will update the file in the jail. First make a 'dry-run' in which jk_update will show what it is going to do:
jk_update -j /home/jail -dIf you are satisfied with the result, do the real update with
jk_update -j /home/jail